Drinking from the Fountain of Living Water

Being a parent, I resonate with the words I once heard: “You’re only as happy as your saddest child.” As much as I want Jesus to be my everything, and I believe my wellbeing should be determined by my relationship with Him and Him alone, as Amy Edge from Wiregrass Church stated about her children, “If they are doing well, then I seem to be doing well. If one of them is a wreck, then I’m a wreck.” That’s because human nature for most parents is to care for and protect their children. It’s a knee-jerk reaction to respond to a child in need. No one wants to see his/her child struggling or in pain. But, just as God has our back and gives us strength, He also watches over our children and loves them even more than we ever could. Our children need to see us drinking from “…the fountain of living water….” (Jeremiah‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬) so they will learn to trust Christ, too, and be non-cracked cisterns, ready to receive everything God desires to pour into them. It’s the greatest gift we can give them.

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