It Took A Talking Donkey

Numbers 21 & 22
”[The Israelites]…complained. ‘There is nothing to eat here and nothing to drink. And we hate this horrible manna!’ So the Lord sent poisonous snakes among the people, and many were bitten and died. So Moses made a snake out of bronze and attached it to a pole. Then anyone who was bitten by a snake could look at the bronze snake and be healed!“ Numbers 21:5-6, 9 NLT
I like how God uses snakes here to get his point across. Those bitten could look up to the snake hanging on the pole and be saved. Just like the devil took on the form of a snake in The Garden of Eden, God uses this representation in the dessert. When we look to Jesus on the cross, He removes the venom and poison from our lives, and we are saved. Beautiful correlation!
Later in our reading I love how Balaam points out, “…I would be powerless to do anything against the will of the Lord my God.“ Numbers 22:18 NLT Balaam knew God held all the power, even if it took a talking donkey to get through his thick-headed stubbornness.