So, So Good!
A friend posted a beautiful photo on Facebook with the words, “All my life You have been faithful.” I couldn’t help but finish hearing the rest of Bethel Music’s words in my head and commented, “All my life You have been so, so good! With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God!” Another friend piped in, “That song makes me cry every time.” I added, “My heart responds with tears, too! How can it not?”
When you realize God’s love is personal, it’s natural to respond with deep gratitude, to be moved at your core, to shed tears over a love so undeserving and a grace so divine. It’s a visceral understanding that cannot be put into words, and it’s amazing. It’s what true love feels like.
You know what’s so beautiful about this love? Our God, the God of the Universe, who has everything anyone could ever need wants you in His life. He didn’t want to imagine eternity without you, so He provided a way to bridge the gap and fill the void. ”For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.“ John 3:16 NLT
Today, I pray this blessing over each of you: ”May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.“ Numbers 6:24-26 NLT