The Avenger

Numbers 35 & 36

“But if someone strikes and kills another person with a piece of iron, it is murder, and the murderer must be executed. Or if someone with a stone in his hand strikes and kills another person, it is murder, and the murderer must be put to death. Or if someone strikes and kills another person with a wooden object, it is murder, and the murderer must be put to death. The victim’s nearest relative is responsible for putting the murderer to death. When they meet, the avenger must put the murderer to death.” Numbers‬ ‭35‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I know things played out differently back then, but, to me, having the victim’s family be responsible for the murderer’s death seems to be opposite of what it takes to heal and forgive. And isn’t that what God’s love is all about? Taking another human life is not productive in these matters. Can’t wrap my mind around d this one. God’s going to have to help me understand His reasoning more when we get to Heaven, because this command doesn’t seem Christ-like to me.

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