Kindness for the Win
written September 2022, Ahead of Hurricane Ian
Edited July 11, 2024
I had the sweetest thing happen today. I was standing in the checkout line at Walmart with a cart overflowing with groceries, when a petite older woman walked up behind me and asked if I’d mind watching her basket for her so she could go to the bathroom. I told her I didn’t mind one bit. (She really reminded me a lot of my grandmother on my mom’s side, with whom I’ve always had a strong fondness.) She thanked me and walked off. A few minutes later, she returned to her items, thanking me again. I told her I completely understood those kind of moments and knew she must be feeling much better. She smiled warmly.
Pointing to my back, she said, “I saw your shirt and knew it’d be ok to ask.” For a moment, puzzlement wrapped its fingers around my understanding. She continued, “You’re one of my people.” I smiled, but my confusion lingered. My people? Then the lightbulb moment happened, and my grin widened as I realized my camp meeting, themed t-shirt read “Seventh-day Adventist Church Florida Conference” across the top of my shoulders on my back. The neat thing is, I had actually asked God to give me patience during my errands while on this trip to town, realizing many would be rushed or anxious over Hurricane Ian’s expected arrival in Florida in a matter of hours or days. I had also requested He specifically use me to show kindness in a way someone else might be able to receive it, and here she stood, no more than five feet tall. I couldn’t help but ask her name. She answered, “It’s Iris.”
When a line opened up next to me, I offered to let Iris go in front of me. Again, she expressed her gratefulness. It warmed my heart to see her being blessed by such a simple gesture. Before she left, she walked over and gave me a hug, wishing me safety through the storm. She also invited me to come visit Plymouth-Sorrento Church—which happens to be right around the corner from my house. There’s no doubt in my mind God orchestrated this encounter. Kindness for the win! 😊